HOME PAGE > EQUIPMENT > Lightning Impulse Generator > NAIGQ Lightning Impulse Generator Pulse Attenuator Source
  • Equipment Name: NAIGQ Lightning Impulse Generator Pulse Attenuator Source

Also Called Name

Pulse Attenuator for Lightning Impulse Generator, Pulse Attenuator Source for Lightning Impulse, Attenuator for lightning impulse, impulse generator attenuator, impulse device attenuator, impulse voltage generator attenuator, impulse current generator attenuator, lightning impulse combined wave attenuator, impulse voltage attenuator, impulse current attenuator

Product Description

NAIGQ lightning impulse generator special attenuator, fully meets the lightning impulse GB 311.1 standard lightning impulse equipment, is the standard supporting equipment required for the impulse test.

Main Technical Data

Attenuator attenuation ratio: 100:1, or customized production.
Wave head response time: 1.2 uS; 1uS; 4 uS; 8 uS; 30 uS, and other predetermined values.
Wave tail response time: 20 uS; 10 uS; 40 uS; 80 uS, and other predetermined values.

Attenuator External Structure

Structural features: Simple compression-resistant structure, which is easy to install and transport while designing.
Customization features: customizable, testable, and meterable.
Dimensions: According to the requirements of use, the external structure is optimized, and the internal layout is very reasonable.
Excellent selection of materials: the core components are made of pure imported materials, and the materials are selected from Germany's excellent process components.
External structure: The appearance design considers aesthetics, while taking into account the considerations of anti-pressure and shock-absorbing factors.

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